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Pharmacology 11th Edition Review

Pharmacology, 11th Edition

A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach

A crucial resource for nursing students, designed to deepen their understanding of pharmacotherapy and safe drug administration.

Textbook Review

Patient-Centered Approach

This foundational approach ensures that the pharmacological knowledge isn’t just theoretical but is seamlessly integrated into practical patient care – a crucial aspect for any aspiring or practicing nurse.

Prototype Drug Charts

The inclusion of prototype drug charts is pivotal, providing at-a-glance access to vital information about key medications. This feature is a powerful aid for readers aiming to grasp essential details, such as dosage, side effects, and interactions.

Extensive Drug Calculations Chapter

For students, the detailed drug calculations chapter is a standout feature. It not only includes a comprehensive math review but also offers step-by-step instructions, serving as an invaluable resource to enhance dosage calculation skills.

Nursing Process Summaries

Throughout the book, strategically placed nursing process summaries encapsulate critical considerations related to drug therapy. These summaries emphasize patient teaching, safety measures, and cultural nuances, ensuring readers are well-equipped for real-world nursing scenarios.

Critical Thinking Case Studies

The inclusion of critical thinking case studies is a highlight, challenging readers to apply theoretical knowledge to practical patient situations. This not only strengthens clinical judgment but also reinforces the real-world application of pharmacological concepts.

NCLEX® Preparation

Recognizing the importance of NCLEX preparation, the book includes application-level study questions, aligning with the evolving pharmacology coverage on the exam. This feature is particularly valuable for students gearing up for the licensure examination.

Safety and Quality Focus

The dedicated chapter on safety and quality is a critical aspect of the book. It addresses medication errors, safety measures, and National Patient Safety Goals, underlining the book’s commitment to patient well-being.

Prioritization Coverage

The prioritization approach is emphasized, guiding students in sequencing nursing interventions based on priority levels. This distinction aids effective learning by highlighting need-to-know versus nice-to-know content.

Updates and Relevance

The commitment to staying current with pharmacological advancements is evident in the inclusion of updated and clinically relevant drug content. The removal of obsolete drugs further underscores the book’s commitment to relevance.

Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Preparation

In recognition of the changing landscape of nursing education, the inclusion of NGN examination-style case studies prepares students for the future direction of the NCLEX exam.


In conclusion, “Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition” emerges as a dynamic and contemporary resource for nursing students. The integration of a patient-centered approach, emphasis on critical thinking, and commitment to staying current in the field positions this edition as a vital companion. The combination of theoretical foundations, practical applications, and a focus on safety and quality makes it an indispensable tool for readers aspiring to excel in their nursing careers, from academic success to professional practice.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Saunders

  • Pages: 840

  • ISBN-10: 0323793150

  • ISBN-13: 978-0323793155

  • Release date: January 19, 2022

Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition by Linda E. McCuistionKathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio

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